Listen here, Listen anywhere: Canterbury Roman Museum

Audio descriptions and insights into some of the most interesting aspects of the museum collection and historic site.

A great way to enhance your experience at Canterbury Roman Museum or explore the collection from somewhere else.


  • Listen here: Canterbury Roman Museum

Welcome / The Iron Age helmet

The Roman marketplace

Inside the Roman town house

The Roman shrine

The silver hoard

The town house hypocaust and mosaics

Sensing Culture

These resources were developed in collaboration with Sensing Culture, a group for adults living with sight loss led by artist Wendy Daws. Thank you to everyone for your support and input!

Sensing Culture meet monthly at The Beaney House of Art & Knowledge. Visit The Beaney website to find out more about Health & Wellbeing at the museums.


Audio Descriptions are used to communicate visual information and are one of the best ways for blind and partially sighted visitors to access things in museum collections.

If you know someone who would enjoy these resources please share this webpage!

Explore more…

Explore more audio descriptions and insights with a free visit to The Beaney House of Art & Knowledge, just 5 minutes from Canterbury Roman Museum.

Explore The Beaney

the facade of a grand tudor style building with large arched windows, decorative woodwork and three triangular roofs.


logo reading: Supported using public funding by Arts Councl England

Canterbury Roman Museum mosaic floor

Immerse yourself in over 2,000 years of history