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The letters here are to illustrate how Cooper’s art was primarily a business, as well as demonstrating the difficulties he faced in receiving payment.
  • Photo-Copy and photograph of letter from Thomas Sidney Cooper to Thomas Agnew*

A photo-copy of a certificate from Thomas Sid- ney Cooper to J. B. Behrens.

18 December 1860

(On paper with printed heading: Vernon Holme, Harbledown). 18 Dec. 1860 (Sketch of cattle and sheep on a mound). T.S. Cooper ARA 1860 This is to certify that the picture sent to me by J. B. Behrens,...

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Reference: CANCM:nn
Can be found: The Letters of Thomas Sidney Cooper 1837-1890

Autograph letter from Thomas Sidney Cooper to ‘The Editor of The Art Journal’

26 June 1858

‘To the Editor of the Art
Journal’ Sir In your notice of, &, criticisms on the present Exhibitions on the Royal Academy, you state – No.203 “A Highland Dairy” – T.S. Cooper, A....

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Reference: CANCM:nn
Can be found: The Letters of Thomas Sidney Cooper 1837-1890

Copy of letter fro Thomas Sidney Cooper to Mr. Lamb

n.d (1873)

Dear Sir, I have just received your letter from Harbledown but as I shall not return there these 14 days, I will write to my servant to send the picture to me here, & as soon as I can will let...

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Reference: CANCM:nn
Can be found: The Letters of Thomas Sidney Cooper 1837-1890

Photo Copy of Letter from Thomas Sidney Cooper to the Hon.J.Colbourne*

21 January 1874

Jany. 21. 1874 Dear Sir, I am not now much in Town & go up only occasionally to the meetings of the Royal Academy, but if my name can be of any service to the Club I have no objection whatever it...

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Reference: CANCM:nn
Can be found: The Letters of Thomas Sidney Cooper 1837-1890

Photo-Copy and photograph of letter from Thomas Sidney Cooper to Thomas Agnew*

15th May 1877

15 May 1877 Dear Tom Agnew, Ys to hand – & I acknowledge with thanks the cheque for the last two pictures. Inside I have sent you a very rough sketch of the subject you saw begun at my...

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*Thomas Agnew, 1827 – 1883, and his brother William, 1825 – 1910, were partners in the most important fine art business of the nineteenth century.
Reference: CANCM:nn
Can be found: The Letters of Thomas Sidney Cooper 1837-1890

Thomas Sidney Cooper to J. Bond

5 December 1859

Vernon Holme 5 Dec 1859 Dear Sir I beg to acknowledge the receipt of your favour. I think I decline to accept this offer of £52.10. for my picture of Winter. Tis the first I have painted of that...

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Reference: CANCM:nn
Can be found: The Letters of Thomas Sidney Cooper 1837-1890

Thomas Sidney Cooper to L.Colls*

10th October 1872

10 Oct 72 My dear sir I go to London today – so if you can call at Chepstow Villa tomorrow morning you can have the Drawing Faithfully Yours Thomas Sidney Cooper Mr L...

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*Lebbeus Colls was a fine art dealer of 168 Bond Street, London.
Reference: CANCM:nn
Can be found: The Letters of Thomas Sidney Cooper 1837-1890

Thomas Sidney Cooper to Robert Cole

1 December 1861

1 Dec 1861 My Dear Sir I am in the same circumstances with regard to prices of stock they being so low & I am engaged in some work, I wish to have ready by tomorrow week to take to town, when I...

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Reference: CANCM:nn
Can be found: The Letters of Thomas Sidney Cooper 1837-1890

Thomas Sidney Cooper to Samuel Eglington

28 September 1837

My Dear Sir Your favour I received yesterday in which I find an offer for my large picture of £130. I must decline it, as I have 150 Gns. in reserve with a person in town whom I believe to be a...

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Reference: CANCM:nn
Can be found: The Letters of Thomas Sidney Cooper 1837-1890
