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  • Blue rollers
Abalone shell

Abalone shell

Abalone has a beautiful iridescence when polished, so has been used by people for many decorative purposes, including fish hooks you can see in the Heroes and Villains showcase in the Explorers and Collectors room.

Reference: L639
Can be found: Colour and Camouflage



Atacamite is an unusual and attractive mineral. It forms in arid climates where copper minerals are exposed to oxidation- the Atacama Dessert in Chile, after which the mineral was named, is one of the driest places in the world.

Reference: CANCM:D4.A.156
Can be found: Colour and Camouflage

Azurite (Blue)

Azurite (Blue)

Used as a pigment by artists.

Reference: 2003.518
Can be found: Colour and Camouflage



Barite is a common mineral whose name derives from Greek and translates as ‘heavy’. Among one of its most useful functions is to block x-ray emissions and it therefore features in hospital and laboratory buildings as well as power plants.

Reference: CANCM:2004.242
Can be found: Colour and Camouflage

Blue Fossil Sharks Teeth from Beltinge, Herne Bay

Blue Fossil Sharks Teeth from Beltinge, Herne Bay

Fossil shark’s teeth come in a variety of colours due to the different mineral compositions of the rocks they are found in. Look for the black and white and teeth in the rest of the display.

Reference: 2002.168
Can be found: Colour and Camouflage

Blue John

Blue John

Takes its name from the French for this rock, Bleu jaune (blue yellow).

Reference: D3.A.45
Can be found: Colour and Camouflage

Blue rollers

Blue rollers

Reference: 1984.9
Can be found: Colour and Camouflage



Cut and polished breccia with translucent blue clasts.

Reference: 2009.325
Can be found: Colour and Camouflage

Cock of the rock

Cock of the rock

Reference: CANCM:nn
Can be found: Colour and Camouflage

Female Quetzal

Female Quetzal

Vivid green and an orangey-yellow. The Male quetzal can be seen displaying to the female above.

Reference: 1999.181
Can be found: Colour and Camouflage



Glows purple under ultraviolet light.

Reference: 2006.62
Can be found: Colour and Camouflage



Reference: CANCM:2005.174
Can be found: Colour and Camouflage

Jade pendants

Jade pendants

Reference: CANCM:2044/2046/2047
Can be found: Colour and Camouflage



An attractive mineral often used for carving decorative objects. Look out for the jade adze in the Explorers and Collectors room.

Reference: 2011.9
Can be found: Colour and Camouflage



An attractive mineral often used for carving decorative objects. Look out for the jade adze in the Explorers and Collectors room.

Reference: 2011.9
Can be found: Colour and Camouflage



A secondary mineral of copper, malachite was used as a green pigment by artists.

Reference: 2003.373
Can be found: Colour and Camouflage



A secondary mineral of copper, malachite was used as a green pigment by artists.

Reference: 2003.373
Can be found: Colour and Camouflage

Olive green obsidian

Olive green obsidian

Obsidian is formed from rapidly cooled volcanic lavas with high silica, thrust to the earth’s surface in the latter stages of a volcanic eruption.

Reference: 2004.285
Can be found: Colour and Camouflage



Green like an olive, olivine comes from deep within the earth’s crust and is normally brought to the surface by volcanoes.

Reference: D4.B403-4
Can be found: Colour and Camouflage



Reference: CANCM:D4.B.582
Can be found: Colour and Camouflage



Bright green crystals of a lead ore mineral that sometimes occurs in sufficient quantity to be mined

Reference: CANCM:nn
Can be found: Colour and Camouflage



Reference: CANCM:nn
Can be found: Colour and Camouflage
