A photo-copy of a certificate from Thomas Sid- ney Cooper to J. B. Behrens.
18 December 1860
(On paper with printed heading: Vernon Holme, Harbledown). 18 Dec. 1860 (Sketch of cattle and sheep on a mound). T.S. Cooper ARA 1860 This is to certify that the picture sent to me by J. B. Behrens,...
(On paper with printed heading: Vernon Holme, Harbledown).
18 Dec. 1860
(Sketch of cattle and sheep on a mound).
T.S. Cooper ARA 1860
This is to certify that the picture sent to me by J. B. Behrens, like the above sketch, is painted by me in 1853.
Thos Sidney Cooper
Reference: CANCM:nn
Can be found: Business in The Garden Room Collection
Autograph letter from Thomas Sidney Cooper to ‘The Editor of The Art Journal’
26 June 1858
‘To the Editor of the Art
In your notice of, &, criticisms on the present Exhibitions on the Royal Academy, you state – No.203 “A Highland Dairy” – T.S. Cooper, A....
‘To the Editor of the Art
In your notice of, &, criticisms on the present Exhibitions on the Royal Academy, you state – No.203 “A Highland Dairy” – T.S. Cooper, A. Simply a landscape, with cows & figures: the animals are drawn as well as Mr. Cooper usually now draws cattle, but they are by no means so careful as of yoar.” I therefore write to inform you that I have not a picture so entitled in the exhibition, nor was the one, above described, painted by me. The particular mention of it, however, induces one to imagine either, that the mistake was designedly made, or that there was great carelessness in your method of criticising the pictures.
You will see the necessity, and justice of making this statement public, in the next number of your journal.
Your very humble servant
Thos. Sidney Cooper
2 Dorset Square
26 June 1858.
Reference: CANCM:nn
Can be found: Business in The Garden Room Collection
Copy of letter fro Thomas Sidney Cooper to Mr. Lamb
n.d (1873)
Dear Sir, I have just received your letter from Harbledown but as I shall not return there these 14 days, I will write to my servant to send the picture to me here, & as soon as I can will let...
Dear Sir,
I have just received your letter from Harbledown but as I shall not return there these 14 days, I will write to my servant to send the picture to me here, & as soon as I can will let you have it & the certificate.
Yrs faithfully ThosSidney Cooper Mr Lamb Dundee
Reference: CANCM:nn
Can be found: Business in The Garden Room Collection
Copy of letter from Thomas Sidney Cooper to Mrs Gladstone
28th March 1881
March 28th 1881 Dear Mrs Gladstone, I have had a dreadful accident to my right hand, and write this with my left hand, to say how highly I should esteem the honour if mr Gladstone would [word crossed...
March 28th 1881
Dear Mrs Gladstone,
I have had a dreadful accident to my right hand, and write this with my left hand, to say how highly I should esteem the honour if mr Gladstone would [word crossed out by TSC] honour me with a visit to see them. I don’t know Miss Balfour’s address. She would like to see them if she knew it, and believe me,
Yours most faithfully
Tho Sidney Cooper
left hand.
Reference: CANCM:nn
Can be found: Personal in The Garden Room Collection
Photo Copy of Letter from Thomas Sidney Cooper to the Hon.J.Colbourne*
21 January 1874
Jany. 21. 1874 Dear Sir, I am not now much in Town & go up only occasionally to the meetings of the Royal Academy, but if my name can be of any service to the Club I have no objection whatever it...
Jany. 21. 1874
Dear Sir,
I am not now much in Town & go up only occasionally to the meetings of the Royal Academy, but if my name can be of any service to the Club I have no objection whatever it should be placed in the list of the committee on the conditions which you name in your letter.
(over page)
The next time I am in Town I hope to be able to visit your Club. & believe me
Yrs faithfully
Thos. Sidney Cooper
Mayor The Hon. J. Colbourne Hon.Sec.
(On the reverse the recipient has written:
T.S.Cooper R.A.
Will Serve [crossed out] join Committee)
Reference: CANCM:nn
Can be found: Business in The Garden Room Collection
Photo-Copy and photograph of letter from Thomas Sidney Cooper to Thomas Agnew*
15th May 1877
15 May 1877 Dear Tom Agnew, Ys to hand – & I acknowledge with thanks the cheque for the last two pictures. Inside I have sent you a very rough sketch of the subject you saw begun at my...
15 May 1877
Dear Tom Agnew,
Ys to hand – & I acknowledge with thanks the cheque for the last two pictures. Inside I have sent you a very rough sketch of the subject you saw begun at my house. I have not yet drawn in the background figures yet, but you recollect (sic) something of the colour; I think it will make the most effective pictures I have yet painted. I shall paint on it again this week; come down & see it. You said you should like to & your daughter How is your brother William? remember me to him with best wishes
Ys faithfully
Thos Sidney Cooper
(Over page – sketch of mounted figures and sheep in a mountainous landscape, annotated with size 6 feet and 5 feet)
*Thomas Agnew, 1827 – 1883, and his brother William, 1825 – 1910, were partners in the most important fine art business of the nineteenth century.
Reference: CANCM:nn
Can be found: Business in The Garden Room Collection
Photo-copy of letter fro Thomas Sidney Cooper to the Hon.J.Colbourne
16th January 1874
16 Jany 1874 Dear Sir, Your Letter has been forwarded to me here. & I beg you will thank the Committee of the “Temple Club, for the honour they have conferred on me in electing me an Honorary...
16 Jany 1874
Dear Sir,
Your Letter has been forwarded to me here. & I beg you will thank the Committee of the “Temple Club, for the honour they have conferred on me in electing me an Honorary Life Member of their Cub & Believe,
Yrs Faithfully
Thos. Sidney Cooper
The Hon. J. Colbourne Hon.Sec.
Reference: CANCM:nn
Can be found: Personal in The Garden Room Collection
Photo-copy of letter from Thomas Sidney Cooper to D. Colnaghi.
22 January 1841
16 Wellington Terrace Jan.y 22 1841 My Dear Sir, Will you allow me to ask your assistance in my endeavours for the fatherless. I assure you tis a case in which benevolence will be well bestowed....
16 Wellington Terrace
Jan.y 22 1841
My Dear Sir,
Will you allow me to ask your assistance in my endeavours for the fatherless.
I assure you tis a case in which benevolence will be well bestowed. & Believe me I shall esteem it a personal favour.
I am Dear Sir
Faithfully Yours
Thos. Sidney Cooper
Reference: CANCM:nn
Can be found: Personal in The Garden Room Collection
Photo-copy of letter from Thomas Sidney Cooper to Sir Fredrick Leighton, PRA*
27th April 1890
To the President & Council of the Royal Academy. Gentlemen, When I was elected an associate of the Royal Academy, I received the following advice. “When you send your picture for Exhibition; if...
To the President & Council of the Royal Academy.
When I was elected an associate of the Royal Academy, I received the following advice.
“When you send your picture for Exhibition; if more than one; you must placed your finished work no 1 on your list, which will be hung in the large gallery, (which you are entitled to) and when you are raised to
an Academician, and hanger, you must be sure and do the same, to
all the members works who are not on the Council &… The President is not on any hanging Committee, but he attends to see this law is observed also that no injustice is done to any member” I have been 45 years a member of the Academy, and this has always been observed, and fulfilled to e, & and by me, till last year, and this year, again my principal work is placed out the way, while 5 or 6 members have to (sic) pictures, & one has three pictures hung in No. 3 Gallery, who have right, to only one, hung there. I need not tell you, how deeply I am pained by this indignity, and injustice. I have exhibited at the Royal Academy, for 57 years, and not been absent one year during that long period. I have had an honourable and industrious life always anxious that my latter days should be free from blight or dishonour. I was associated with Callcott, Wilkie, Collins, Constable Etty Shee &…and I am quite sure, not one of them would have acted to the dishonour of any member.
Your Humbled Servant
Thos Sidney Cooper
Reference: CANCM:nn
Can be found: Personal in The Garden Room Collection
Thomas Sidney Cooper to Cook
10 July 1877
10 July 1877 My dear Cook, I have some important work I must finish this month, or it would have been a great pleasure to me to have joined your party. & I have also made arrangements to leave...
10 July 1877
My dear Cook,
I have some important work I must finish this month, or it would have been a great pleasure to me to have joined your party. & I have also made arrangements to leave with my family for Cornwall. But I thank you all the same for your kind invite & believe me
Ys faithfully
Thos Sidney Cooper
Reference: CANCM:nn
Can be found: Personal in The Garden Room Collection
Thomas Sidney Cooper to J. Bond
5 December 1859
Vernon Holme 5 Dec 1859 Dear Sir I beg to acknowledge the receipt of your favour. I think I decline to accept this offer of £52.10. for my picture of Winter. Tis the first I have painted of that...
Vernon Holme
5 Dec 1859
Dear Sir
I beg to acknowledge the receipt of your favour. I think I decline to accept this offer of £52.10. for my picture of Winter. Tis the first I have painted of that class. I consider it a very successful effort.
Believe me
Ys faithfully
Thos Sidney Cooper
J. Bond Hon
(In ink across the top left corner: ‘red Dec 6th wrote Mr Fenton same day’).
Reference: CANCM:nn
Can be found: Business in The Garden Room Collection
Thomas Sidney Cooper to L.Colls*
10th October 1872
10 Oct 72 My dear sir I go to London today – so if you can call at Chepstow Villa tomorrow morning you can have the Drawing Faithfully Yours Thomas Sidney Cooper Mr L...
10 Oct 72
My dear sir
I go to London today – so if you can call at Chepstow Villa tomorrow morning you can have the Drawing
Faithfully Yours
Thomas Sidney Cooper
Mr L Colls
*Lebbeus Colls was a fine art dealer of 168 Bond Street, London.
Reference: CANCM:nn
Can be found: Business in The Garden Room Collection
Thomas Sidney Cooper to Mr. Hogarth
5 September 1867
(On black edged mourning paper with embossed black printed crest and address: Vernon Holme, Harbledown). 5 Sepm. 1867 Dear Sir. You will put me in hand immediately two boards covered with paper, as...
(On black edged mourning paper with embossed black printed crest and address: Vernon Holme, Harbledown).
5 Sepm. 1867
Dear Sir.
You will put me in hand immediately two boards covered with paper, as usual. But be careful there is no blemish in it, as I found two small flaws in one of the last large boards. The size 34inches by 20in. & let me have them as soon as possible.
Yr Very Obliged
Thos Sidney Cooper
Mr Hogarth
Reference: CANCM:nn
Can be found: Personal in The Garden Room Collection
Thomas Sidney Cooper to Robert Cole
1 December 1861
1 Dec 1861 My Dear Sir I am in the same circumstances with regard to prices of stock they being so low & I am engaged in some work, I wish to have ready by tomorrow week to take to town, when I...
1 Dec 1861
My Dear Sir
I am in the same circumstances with regard to prices of stock they being so low & I am engaged in some work, I wish to have ready by tomorrow week to take to town, when I shall receive the October dividend, & can then settle your act. But I shall write to a gentleman who owes me for a picture for the amount & if I receive it or any other during this week, I will send you a cheque.
Ys Very faithfully
Thos Sidney Cooper
Rob Cole Esq
Reference: CANCM:nn
Can be found: Business in The Garden Room Collection
Thomas Sidney Cooper to Samuel Eglington
28 September 1837
My Dear Sir Your favour I received yesterday in which I find an offer for my large picture of £130. I must decline it, as I have 150 Gns. in reserve with a person in town whom I believe to be a...
My Dear Sir
Your favour I received yesterday in which I find an offer for my large picture of £130. I must decline it, as I have 150 Gns. in reserve with a person in town whom I believe to be a dealer. Will you have the kindness to thank the Gentleman for his offer, from me, and say I can never accept an offer so low.
You did not say who gained the prize, will you in your next. Many thanks for your kindness – Believe me
Yours faithfully
Thos Sidney Cooper
Saml. Eglington Esq
Liverpool Academy
27 Portland Terrace Sept. 28. 1937
Reference: CANCM:nn
Can be found: Business in The Garden Room Collection
Thomas Sidney Cooper to W. Sherlock
26 October 1867
(On black-edged mourning paper with embossed black printed crest and address: Vernon Holme, Harbledown). Oct. 26 1867 Sir My son sent me the package of photographs to me here, but they are too small...
(On black-edged mourning paper with embossed black printed crest and address: Vernon Holme, Harbledown).
Oct. 26 1867
My son sent me the package of photographs to me here, but they are too small of any purpose of mine, but you can tell me what you charge for some of them, perhaps my children may choose a few of them. If you had any larger of cattle, or could make me a few for myself only, & not others could have, I might purchase them if suited.
V. Obliged
Thos Sidney Cooper
Mr. W. Sherlock
Reference: CANCM:nn
Can be found: Personal in The Garden Room Collection
Thomas Sidney Cooper to William Agnew*
30 April 1880
30 April 1880 Dear W Agnew, I was much disappointed I did not meet you at the Royal Academy private View today. I wished to congratulate you on the Very distinguished honour you have lately received...
30 April 1880
Dear W Agnew,
I was much disappointed I did not meet you at the Royal Academy private View today. I wished to congratulate you on the Very distinguished honour you have lately received long may you enjoy it. Should you be in the neighbourhood tomorrow or Sunday morning, I shall like to see you, as I must leave on Monday, having lost my only Brother.
Ys faithfully
Thos Sidney Cooper
*Sir William Agnew, 1825 – 1910, London Art Dealer (See letter dated 15th May 1877)
Reference: CANCM:nn
Can be found: Personal in The Garden Room Collection