Culture, Health and Wellbeing Alliance and other partners

  • A lady sat on a chair in an office laughing as she chats with two other people sat in front of her.

About the CHWA

The Culture, Health and Wellbeing Alliance (CHWA) is free to join for anyone with an interest in creativity and culture and health and wellbeing. Members receive a monthly newsletter with the latest news and have the opportunity to network with other members.  There is also information about funding, case studies, research, training, social prescribing and much, much more!

Each region is represented by two champions: one from the museums sector and one from the arts sector. These regional champions are working with the CHWA in a voluntary capacity.

The Beaney is the Museum sector champion for the South East.  To find out more about the Culture Health and Wellbeing Alliance or how to become a member, visit the CHWA website.

Heritage, Health and Wellbeing Webinars

The Beaney has started leading free webinars for heritage professionals, where we discuss what Heritage, Health & Wellbeing practice looks like in a digital landscape.

The webinars draw on national guidance and current best practice to help sector professionals design, implement and deliver digital Health and Wellbeing content to support their audiences and teams during the Covid-19 crisis.

You can watch the webinar recordings below!

Creating Digital Health & Wellbeing Content

Supporting Staff Health & Wellbeing

Measuring Health & Wellbeing in Museums

Artefacts in exhibition case The Beaney Museum

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