What will you find in the Cabinet of Small Differences?

Ancient Japanese people believed objects had souls. When an object became unusable it was never thrown away, it was safely kept in a special storage room.

Now that belief has vanished, not only do we believe objects don’t have souls, but some of us even question whether we do.

We are enslaved by the materialistic fashion to believe in discontinuity, an object does not have to work for two years when you can replace it after one. In this rush of consumer culture our tastes have changed, but we have not changed.

Do we leave anything behind in the objects we replace?

And is every object so easily replaceable?

Our Cabinet of Small Differences creates a new beauty from those objects you have perhaps forgotten. A look at what these items mean to us, now their value in fulfilling our needs has gone.

Find out more and visit the Cabinet of Small Differences just opposite the entrance to the Special Exhibition.

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Grayson Perry: The Vanity of Small Differences

Saturday 8 October to Sunday 4 December

Special Exhibitions Room, The Beaney House of Art and Knowledge

18 High Street, Canterbury

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Artefacts in exhibition case The Beaney Museum

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